After graduating from the renowned “Aveda Institute”, founded by the legendary Horst Rechlelbacher, Shelly found her place working with hair pioneer Rita Ambourne at the “Rita Ambourne Day Spa”. After this, she relocated to “Estetica” a concept salon located in the historic Cathedral Hill, St Paul.
From there Shelly was brought on as an Aveda instructor by NYC’s Oscar Bond, to teach their signature techniques and worked alongside the now legendary Ted Gibson.
She left the esteemed Aveda faculty to pursue her dream of opening and operating her own salon BLEACH, which ran successfully for 12 consecutive years as well as winning awards and a loyal St. Paul clientele.
In this time Shelly also instructed the “All Nutrient Color Line” trends class, touring nationally and inspiring stylists to define their own trends and styles.
She also trained with renowned stylist and “Davines" Artistic Director Angelo Seminara on developing technique and style.
Shelly also formed her own LLC and designed a successful line of salon apparel which was featured nationally in hair shows from 2011-2013.